Monday, December 19, 2016

burned his classic pink san francisco hat to commemorate 1/4 done

hi mama,

kamusta po nay,

i have some fun updates from this week and also a super sketchy keyboard. bear with me (side note from mom:  yes, the space bar wasn't working so most of his email was continuous letters with no breaks). these computur shops are a pretty big gamble sometimes.

so i travelled to Cauayan to take care of some things.  I got a filipino drivers license, a dentist check up for my messed up mouth and a training meeting for all the new leaders in the mission. i attended my branches christmas party and also skyped you guys!!! 

Cauayan was fun. the dentist i visited was actually really cool. first person to look into my mouth other than Sean Freiberg. felt like i was cheating on him.... sorry sean. but he was legit. super cool gear, experienced and offers free first visits  for servants of God. aka us. so what has been happening is a super bad toothache that was pretty unbearable for like a week. he prescribed antibiotics and now the pains gone, but there are 2 new bumps in my mouth and the pain moved to just by nostril. my lip wont move as much, but i'm seeing a new guy tomorrow in Solano. then i got my drivers license. the test was some verbal questions like if i had a wife and my blood pressure. good on both so i'm licensed! not too likely i'll ever use it but its all good. then the training meeting was rad. learned a ton which i'm into. saw elder briones and some other local legends and ate a great meal. real pizza!! then came home with a 6 hour super comfortable bus ride. super sunny. 

we had our branch Christmas party, which was super sunny but also super Filipino, meaning kinda awkward the whole time. the youth love to have talent shows and show off their singing and dancing. this one 12 y/o girl killed it at singing. wow. this place has got talent! me and the comp attempted to leave to get some work done but the branch members wouldn't let us until we ate. typical. good seeing dupax united for a super fun night. they asked me to give a l'il talk. simps!!! that night I burned my oh so classic pink san francisco hat bc i hit 6 months and it was time. a solemn event. 1/4 down is crazy. 

then the next day i skyped you! that was a treat. not going to lie it was so short and after we were done, all I could say was "ok". lol, super great to hear your voices and see your faces. it made me feel a lot closer to you guys which is super appreciated and seeing snow blew me away. i honestly couldn't believe it at first. this place is playing mind games on me I swear.

sounds like your doing good and staying happy and busy mama!! keep that up for sure. takes the worry out of me. 

the church is like a 5 min tricy ride or 10 min bike ride. not many members still :/ 

please also get me the mailing adress for the litchfields! 

seriously no time sorry but thanks for all that you do for me!!! 

a great addition in the package would be a usb w so many photos of everything. in .JPEG form. thanks!! i can view that in the apartment.

other than that, it's been going up! feeling better, more confident, improving ya know, all the good stuff of the mish. this week was insane cold! like i wore a sweater outside once. and at nights i'm now in pure PJ's. feels good for sure. 

listened to a talk that changed my life and here is a scripture from it. Moroni 10:32

  32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, anddeny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient foryou, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowisedeny the power of God.

thats about it. life is good, and i'm excited for pasko down here!!

His Grace Is Sufficent,


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