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notice im teaching my MTC companion, Elder Larsen. first time hearing his tagalog in a year! |
hello po nay
i don't got much time for the big boy this week but i'll just say we were greatly blessed.
thats so cool to hear about the sod at the lake. i did some sod work at the golfcourse and really enjoyed it. kinda a cool puzzle. magic as well.
getting pretty swimming hungry tbh but i can wait. somedays i literally just imagine floating in cold water. sounds nice like everyday at 2 in the afternoon.
i got your package! pretty rad stuff! man you have no idea how excited i was! i'll be honest i have lots of shirts now so i sent one to my trainee, hope thats fine! what i would like (and no rush) is a longsleeve, i really need another one. if it could be slim fit (bc im thin) and have that collar that buttons itself down would be gold. but the spinners are fun! a new american told me there huge back hme and i thought it was only here!!! the ones you gave sure are nice. also the pez was a good throwback! the IG books completed the collection so thats fun. super great stuff mom, thanks a million!!
moneys been super tight bc of travel funds (our area is far from the apartment) so for actually the past couple months i've been pulling off weekly 350 peso grocery bills. ($11 CAD) its been some simple meals and telling nanays were hungry :).
I had a pretty cool experience in a different companionships area in the Zone called Naguilian. so we had a little suprise visit for them to go over some things and afterwards i was chatting with their older land lady who lives on the property and pretty quickly asked her when the last time narries shared to her. said its been like 10 years! every day she sees and talks to the missionaries but this was the first time in years where one has asked to teach her! so the 4 of us taught her an overview of the restoration of the gospel (Our Heavenly Father, gospel blesses families, prophets, Christs church He established, the great apostasy, the first vision, book of mormon, and praying to know). within 5 minutes my companion (who has been assigned in that area but didnt teach her before) gives her a baptisimal date. man it was a super cool lesson. highlight for sure!!! felt something pretty special :)
Elder Kearl